#050: Discover How Non-Performing Notes Could Be Your Path to Wealth
Really? Distressed assets where you could earn up to 1000% return? Expert note buyer and real estate investor, Lindsay Gordon has done it and shows how notes can reduce your risk compared to owning rentals. You will also discover ways to team up with others to help you get started investing in performing notes as well as non-performing notes.
1:09 – Welcoming Lindsay to the show and introducing the days topic of distressed assets and non-performing notes.
1:50 – Some of Lindsay’s background in investing and how she got into non-performing notes.
3:05 – What her target investment is and details on second position mortgages.
4:16 – How the typical transaction process looks with the notes Lindsay works with.
6:53 – A project Tom did in Puerto Rico and the benefits everyone in the deal got and Lindsay’s experience in similar situations being able to help the borrowers while still making profit.
8:48 – Helping borrowers to find an affordable way to pay down their balances.
9:57 – Examples of times Lindsay was able to help borrowers out.
12:14 – Reasons she’s chosen to make this her main line of work and why they may apply to newer investors.
16:01 – How buying pools of notes can reduce the risk of the investment, compared to owning rentals as well as the range of possibilities that Lindsay sees in this type of deal.
20:00 – What it means for a lien to be stripped.
21:22 – How this kind of note can potentially reach a 1000% return.
23:48 – What Lindsay sees as some of the biggest risks associated with investing in non-performing notes.
25:25 – Ways to team up with others to help get started in this kind of investing.
27:26 – Average amounts of money required to get into note investing.
29:52 – Places and ways to find non-performing notes to buy.
30:50 – Getting in touch with Lindsay.
31:56 – Learn more about the non-performing note industry through Lindsay’s Youtube channel or by reaching out to her for recommendations.
32:55 – Her favorite things about living in Puerto Rico.
Connect with Lindsay:
Contact Tom at tom@tombraegelmann.com or feedback@tombraegelmann.com
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