#028: Have You Considered Rental Storage Units as an Investment?

Alia Ott shares why and how she made the transition into storage unit investments.  We also discuss the benefits of investment clubs and advice about clubs or meetups to get involved with. 

Learn what attracted her to storage facility investing, what strategies she employs, and get tips on how to get into the storage unit investment business. 


1:09 – Introducing Alia and her career. 


2:53 – Describing how she got into the real estate business and how her companies operate. 


6:09 – Thoughts Alia had when going into her first investment and what she learned. 


8:52 – The assistance she had on her first deal and how she might have done it differently. 


10:47 – How valuable it can be to have a mentor, especially early on in learning about investing. 


12:38 – Benefits of investment clubs and advice she has about clubs or meetups to get involved with. 


14:04 – One of the secrets Alia got from a mentor. 


14:46 – Describing how and why she made the transition into storage unit investments. 


18:49 – The sizes of units involved with Alia’s business. 


20:58 – The two different strategies she employs for investments and things that attracted her to storage facilities. 


25:37 – Advice for someone looking to get into the storage unit investment business. 


29:46 – Resources Alia recommends. 


31:27 – Alia’s philosophy on giving back and her background in non-profits. 


33:19 – Get a free guide Alia has put together on strategies and making decisions for investments at http://investorsinaction.com/. 


36:03 – Where Alia sees herself in the next 5-7 years.  

Resources and Links Mentioned: 

Investors In Action 

Capital Storage Fund 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki 


SDCIA Meetup 



Self Storage Association 

Investors In Action Facebook 

Contact Alia here 

Contact Tom at tom@tombraegelmann.com or feedback@tombraegelmann.com 

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