#025: Women in Real Estate Investing and Changing Career Mid-Life

Eva Medilek, entreprenuer and coach candidly shares her experiences and coaching advice for women, both in and out of real estate, who may be facing similar challenges to what she’s experienced. Eva tells how she integrates her mindset mentoring with her real estate knowledge and the strategies she employed when she struggled early on to harness negative experiences and turn them into growth opportunities.

Check out this episode!


1:02 – Background on Eva and details on her career. 


4:00 – Alex Arriaga (Episode 007) being one of Eva’s mentors and how she transitioned into real estate investing. 


4:46 – Some of Eva’s thoughts on the experience of entering the real estate investing field after having gone through some mentoring. 


7:49 – Comparing Peter (Episode 020) and Eva’s mindsets. 


8:23 – Challenges Eva has faced as a woman in the real estate investing industry. 


10:59 – Information on the coaching she does with women, both in and out of real estate, who may be facing similar challenges to what she’s experienced. 


13:20 – Working one-on-one with students and clients on mindset shifts. 


15:46 – How Eva integrates her general mentoring with her real estate knowledge and the strategies she employed when she struggled early on. 


18:23 – Harnessing negative experiences as growth opportunities and Eva’s story of everything going wrong that could go wrong. 


22:56 – Some of the resources she used in her harder times. 


26:10 – Advice she wishes she had gotten when she was starting out in real estate. 


27:25 – Eva’s mentoring through sharing her story and showing them what’s possible. 


30:34 – Actionable items she recommends for getting into the business of real estate. 


33:27 – The power both Tom and Eva saw in embracing building networks through meetups and some of Tom’s strategies on getting comfortable with networking –  just being present and interested in the other person. 


36:42 – Eva’s parting thoughts and advice. 


37:59 – Contacting Eva. 





Resources and Links Mentioned: 


Robert Kiyosaki’s books 


Bay Area Private Money for Real Estate Investors meetup 


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 


You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero 


You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero 


The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein 


Dr. Wayne Dyer’s books 


Contacting Eva: 


Eva’s blog – get 7 daily tips for conquering limiting beliefs by subscribing to her blog. 










Contact Tom at tom@tombraegelmann.com or feedback@tombraegelmann.com 

Check out this episode!